So, its the last week. It has been hard - seriously. But to even wr
ite that makes me feel selfish. I went 40 days without shopping for 'wants' not needs and its been hard. But I knew it would be and I needed this. As I shopped, I have touched many items and put back many items to boot. I have skipped events where huge tempting sales would have brought me to deleting this blog. I avoided certain stores that are known for my reckless spending. But I have meet a new friend ...
This is my new piggy bank Hamm. He is from the Toy Story movies and I recently got him free from codes inside cereal boxes. He has been holding my savings and loose change. The look on his face cracks me up but yet remind me to back off. I don't need to reach in there just because I might go to my favorite store today. It reminds me that having cash saved is better than things.
I think Hamm is going to be good for me!