Sunday, July 25, 2010

The End ...

Well, today is the 40th day of the fast! Some days I didn't think it would come but time did fly.
When I look back, I'm not sure if I had a life changing experience but an eye opening in what I needed to change.
For instances ...
  • When payday come and the cash is taken for groceries, go grocery shopping FIRST! No Target or little spending here and there. Use the money for what its for - food!
  • Don't run to the store because you saw a great deal online. Sleep on it.
  • Plan transactions at CVS/Rite Aid for best out of pocket expense. Going in blind can make you spend more than you wanted.
  • Quit swiping the debt card without talk to the co-owner of the account about the purchase.
  • Plan only a week at a time of meals and spend only the amount you have for a week's time. This way you have money for milk or McD's in the future.
I skipped home parties and bingos. I put a lot of stuff back. I did a lot of window shopping. I didn't die during the process. So I encourage you to give it a try. If not 40 days, 30 or a week. Saving money is definitely a better way to go!

Monday, July 19, 2010

6 days to go and COUNTING ...

So, its the last week. It has been hard - seriously. But to even wrAdd Imageite that makes me feel selfish. I went 40 days without shopping for 'wants' not needs and its been hard. But I knew it would be and I needed this. As I shopped, I have touched many items and put back many items to boot. I have skipped events where huge tempting sales would have brought me to deleting this blog. I avoided certain stores that are known for my reckless spending. But I have meet a new friend ...

This is my new piggy bank Hamm. He is from the Toy Story movies and I recently got him free from codes inside cereal boxes. He has been holding my savings and loose change. The look on his face cracks me up but yet remind me to back off. I don't need to reach in there just because I might go to my favorite store today. It reminds me that having cash saved is better than things.

I think Hamm is going to be good for me!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh .... this is hard

Ok, I have been waiting a Vera Bradley Messenger bag or backpack forever but didn't want to pay $90 for them. On eBay they were even going for $70.
But today, I get an email saying they are clearance them out at $40! ARG! And they have my favorite pattern that is being discontinued!
Isn't this pathetic. I did everything to the payment page and then came here. Because I know I set out on this quest. With 13 days to go, I'm dying! You think it would be over - the urge - but no.
So I'm getting off of here and not purchasing it. But if it is still available at 12:01 on Sunday, July 25, it will be mine. Oh goodness gracious ...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

$1/1 Dan-o-nino Yogurt - makes it free at Giant PA in State College

Hey all!

Print this coupon twice for twice the free yogurt! At State College, PA, Giant doubles $1 coupons and this is always $1.93 a pack!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stinks at Blogging but HASN'T GIVEN UP

So, its 8 days past by last post and I'm sure some have thought, "well she lasted a while - good try" BUT NO! I have done so good this week its about time I logged it!

Today is day 19 and I'm almost half way done. I'm glad but I have also enjoyed this adventure.

These past two weeks I have caught myself just getting what I need and walking out. That's hard for me as I love clearance bins and extra sale items. But sticking to my list helped alot.

I did go to the local grocery store that doubles $1 to see what I could get free that wasn't on my list and I did well. So well I was able to share my lot with a new friend!

And at first, I said I wasn't going to buy gifts for others. Well, I have but its been because I have extra money because I have been blessed. Because I stick to my list, shop the sales, plan only a week ahead instead of two, I'm able to really save money! Its GREAT!

So, day 19, I have $80 left in my wallet, a full fridge and pantry, and no plans :) This is a big accomplishment for me! I usually have $3 and think how I can get more cash. So, this has been good for me!